FAQ frequently asked questions


How to redownload items you ordered?
If the order is attached to your account, click on the Your purchases button from your user profile. On the purchases page, click on the Download button next to the item you want to download. If the order is not attached to your account, go to the download resender tool and enter the email address used at checkout. The email address entered must be the exact email address used at checkout.
Can sellers make more money by selling an item here exclusively?
Yes. Sellers receive 55–75% of every sale for items sold exclusively on WrapBootstrap. If the same content is sold on other marketplaces or sites then they receive 35% of every sale.
How much can affiliates earn?
Affiliates receive 10% commission for items priced at or above $10 USD and 5% for items below $10.
How do affiliates get paid?
Payments are processed at the end of each calendar month and paid out on the 15th of the following month via PayPal. You must be able to receive money via PayPal to be an affiliate on WrapBootstrap.
How to create invoices for your orders?
The following steps will walk you through the creation of an invoice.
  • Step 1: First sign in or create an account.
  • Step 2: If the order is not attached to your account, go to the attach orders page to attach the order to your account. See also: How to attach orders to your account
  • Step 3: Once the order is attached to your account, click on the Your purchases button on your user profile. On the purchases page, click on the Invoice button next to the order you want to generate an invoice for.
Is exclusivity based on the author or the individual file?
Exclusivity is on a per file basis. During the upload process you are given a chance to select the exclusivity of the item. Selling an item exclusively on WrapBootstrap does not bar you from selling other items on other marketplaces or sites.
Do sellers retain rights to the items they sell on WrapBootstrap?
Yes, they are the sellers' creations and they retain full rights to the items they sell here. We simply provide them with a way to sell their creations.
How to attach orders to your account?
The following steps will walk you through attaching your orders to your account.
  • Step 1: First sign in or create an account.
  • Step 2: Go to the order attacher tool and enter the email address used at checkout. The email address entered must be the exact email address used at checkout. Note: Buyers with registered PayPal accounts may have more than one email address associated with their PayPal accounts.
  • Step 3: While signed into your account, click on the attach link(s) in the email sent by the order attacher. Once the order is attached to your account, click on the Your purchases button on your user profile to redownload the item or create an invoice.
How long do affiliate cookies last?
Cookies remain in the buyer's browser for 180 days or until they make a purchase, whichever comes first.
Are items reviewed or will you accept anything?
Each item goes through an extensive review process to ensure that our quality standards have been met. Please review and follow the guidelines outlined in the submission guidelines before submitting an item for review.
Can I advertise on search engines using WrapBootstrap-related keywords?
No. You may not bid on WrapBootstrap-related search keywords. Anyone violating this rule will be banned from our affiliate program.
How do sellers get paid?
Payments are processed at the end of each calendar month and paid out on the 15th of the following month via PayPal or Payoneer. You must be able to receive money via PayPal or Payoneer to sell on WrapBootstrap.
Can I receive earnings from items that I purchase with my affiliate link?
No. Anyone violating this rule will be banned from our affiliate program.
Are sellers required to support the items they upload?
Providing support is a great way to ensure repeat business from buyers, but no, it's not required unless the file is actually broken.
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